Glotfelty Foundation
Welcome to the Charles & Mary Fayne Glotfelty Foundation, a charitable foundation dedicated to advancing Human Potential in Kanawha County, West Virginia, through the Arts, Education and Human Services.
Scholarships through the Charles & Mary Fayne Glotfelty Foundation are offered to students who may not have been high achievers or are from struggling families experiencing difficult situations.
The Foundation also provides charitable grants to non-profit, tax-exempt organizations that are focused on human services or the arts in Kanawha County.
Charitable Grants
Charitable Grants are awarded to tax-exempt organizations operating in Kanawha County, WV that provide direct services to children or adults who are experiencing difficult situations such as, but not limited to, homelessness and battering; organizations that meet basic individual needs such as, but not limited to, food, shelter, and clothing; and arts organizations. Read More
Educational Grants
Educational Grants are designed to assist students in Kanawha County, WV who may have matured late, completed a GED, or who may not have been high achievers in high school but who can demonstrate their ambition, their willingness to work hard, and who have sound educational goals. These grants are awarded directly to accredited colleges, universities, and technical/vocational schools. Read More
If you think you may qualify for a grant through the Charles & Mary Fayne Glotfelty Foundation,
click here to request more information.
Grants through the Glotfelty Foundation are awarded four times a year. The foundation will consider grant requests at quarterly meetings.
Scholarships will be awarded twice a year.
Board of Directors
Elizabeth Pellegrin, President

Sue Sergi, Vice President

Sandra Murphy, Secretary

Kelly Shafer, Treasurer

William Bargeloh
Denise Workman

Todd Gillenwater