Charitable Grants
Charitable Grants will be awarded to non-profit, tax-exempt organizations in Kanawha County, West Virginia, that provide services directly to children or adults who are homeless or battered, or to organizations that meet basic needs for food, shelter and clothing. Grants will also be awarded to non-profit Arts organizations in Kanawha County, West Virginia.
The Trustees will consider all qualified applications from organizations that are exempt from taxation from the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 or 501(c)4 or government entity of the United States of America.
Applicants for Grants must adhere to these requirements:
- A request must be submitted electronically by the proposed grant recipient.
- All required information must be included on the application.
- The following items must be submitted along with the application:
- A list of the charitable organization’s officers and directors.
- Financial statements for the previous year.
- A proposed budget for the current fiscal year.
- Verification of federal tax exempt status under IRS Code Section 501(c)3.
- The most recent audit.
Grants will be awarded quarterly. All applications for non-profit organizations must be received in February, April, June, or December. The Foundation will consider grant requests at its semi-annual meetings.
The Awards Process:
Although the Trustees of the Foundation endeavor to respect the guidelines set forth, the Trustees reserve the right to select deserving causes that may fall outside some or all of the guidelines, yet still demonstrate a substantial need that meets the interests of the Glotfelty Foundation.
Priority will be given to proposals that:
- Document need
- Demonstrate community support of the organization as reflected by the total number of contributors and amount donated
- Demonstrate innovation in program approach
- Include methods of evaluation
Reporting Results:
A report must be submitted by the recipient at the end of the fiscal year, outlining the accomplishments achieved with the grant.
Send Grant Requests to:
Elizabeth Pellegrin
When will funding be awarded to organizations?
- Once funding has been approved, written notification of the award and a check for the approved amount will be distributed.
Who determines if applications are approved?
- The Board of Directors of the Glotfelty Foundation.
May individuals apply for funding?
- No. Funding will only be provided to non-profit tax exempt charitable organizations.
Must applications be submitted electronically?
- Yes. If you are unable to complete the on-line application, contact Elizabeth Pellegrin.
Information to Include with Charitable Grant Requests
- Date of Request
- Amount of Request
- Organization Name
- Address, City, State, Zip
- Name of Contact, Phone, Fax, Email
- Organization History
- Mission of the Organization
- Organization Operating Budget for Current Fiscal Year
- Supporting Documentation describing the need, problem or opportunity to be addressed by the project
- State the goals, objectives of the project
- Timeline for Project development & implementationv
- Estimate number of people to be served
- Describe how the outcomes with be determined
- List any project collaborators including their roles
- Line Item Budget and Budget Narrative for the project
- Identify other sources of funding for this project
- Attach IRS Tax Exempt Determination Letter
- Attach Organizations Current Fiscal Year Budget
- Attach Annual Report
- Most Recent Audit
- Financial Statement for Last Year
- List of Directors and Officers